Friday, April 29, 2011

A day of the intern

Getting up to find u are late for morning rounds,
rushing to the hospital with ur stethoscope and gown.
Copying daily notes and treatment charts ,
consoling patients and their meaningless talks.

Finishing in time for your professors arrival,
coping with the CASUAL LEAVE denial.
Prevaricate in instances when asked our opinion.
concur with PG's and stand in oblivion.

Rushing in writing discharge cards and references,
hurrying to the opd to occupy our respective benches.
Attending to patients with tender care ,
only to find out ur co-intern is not there.

To find out you are to do his emergency duty,
having time to have just a sip of tea.
hustling towards the emergency O.P department,
filled with patients looking up to u as a savior.

As the crowd disperses u rush to fill empty case sheets,
getting ready for the rounds where the incharge doctors meet.
Prescribing medicines that come out of their mouth,
dealing with mishaps that would make them shout.

Enduring the night duty as u become accountable,
when ur intern reason becomes credible.
Slogging the late hours and waking up for every case,
in sound mind to observe every symptom and trace
the disease in hand and to judge the treatment,
whether for outpatient or for admission basis its meant.

Waking up to fill the empty case sheets in hand ,
rushing to our department wards too weak to stand.
Maintaining the composure till the ward work is done ,
when u are held accountable its difficult to shun.

You find to your dismay that its the H.O.D rounds,
your fear rises to a level knowing no bounds .
Forced to answer to questions u know nothing about,
waiting for him to lose his temper and shout .

He gives you impositions for ur careless work,
satisfied to have teaching u a lesson in places u shirk.
Having left the hospital u enjoy the blue sky,
awaiting the next phone call where ur duty lies.

"Dedicated to all my fellow batchmates who have undergone this period. And other interns who are doing so now"


achu said...

nostalgia of med A unit!!! :D :D

Sakthi RaviKumar said...

Dae Koiyale.... Bench patientuku... doctoruku illa da....edhula odi vera pudikariya....

TestingSalesforce said...

good work. check (food blogger)